Dahmer Dash的比賽,少來了,一個紀念殺人狂(
Jeffery Dahmer)的比賽?從他出生的醫院到他第一個犧牲者的酒吧,到他上法庭的地方。誰比這些人更猛呢?讓個女孩子感受到被一群強壯的男人圍繞著,即使他們一聽到Jeffery Dahmerd可能就會尿褲子,還是很Man。不只是這比賽讓他們看起來威武,還看看他們如何迅捷地在車陣中穿梭,無論是騎車去學校、去上班,還是去有機商店、咖啡店,甚至單車店...;他們可以遞送急件、演唱會票券,從這個公司到另一個公司;不只是這些男孩好看,還因為他們幹的好,他們急進、他們有環境意識,這是一種生活形態。
Milwaukee Bike Collective密爾瓦基單車蒐集」,一個整修舊單車給兒童的義工組織。所以,我可以這麼說嗎?謝謝你們單車騎士所作的,不僅是為了這社區,也是為了我。
by nickwhole, OnMilwaukee.com原文:
Published December 14, 2006 by OnMilwaukee.com
By nickwhole
Ok. Let me just say phew. Is it hot outside or what? What? Its December you say. Oh no, its just those bikers flying by, aerating a warm breeze. Hell no, I am not talking about Harleys or even any motorcycles, just good ol bicycles. I mean critical mass, fixed gear, ten speed, chrome bags, just thinking of it all makes me hot.
Its true, if you ride a bike, and you are a male, you are bound and determined to be steamy. I dont know what it is. It could be the rolled up pant legs, or the fun striped socks you see underneath. It could be the beads of sweat that make their foreheads glisten. It could even just be those damn calve muscles that throb as they pedal down North Ave.
May I say, a great thank you to those who placed those ever so pleasant bike lanes out front of my house. It is like a path of greatness, ever so filled with beauty, every time I step out of my door. The citys done good with those 65 miles of painted lines. Maybe that steaminess is found in the fact that you join races with names like the Dahmer Dash, and tough it out on a bike on the streets of Milwaukee on December 2nd. Come on, a ride in the life of Jeffery Dahmer, from the hospital he was born in, to the hotels and bars that he took victims and hung out, even to his apartment and the courthouse he was convicted at. Who other than these steamy males would have the guts and excitement to do a thing like this? It just makes a girl feel like shes surrounded by strong men. Even though they may be peeing their pants at the thought of Jeffery Dahmer, they are still manly. Not only does this make them so gutsy, but think about how ballsy they are cutting in and out of cars, whether they be riding to class, zooming to work at the organic food store, coffee shop, or even bike shop. They can be delivering important messages or even just concert tickets from one company to another. Not only are these boys looking good, but they are doing good. Its progressive, its environmentally conscious, it is a way of life.
These boys and girls (Dont worry I have not forgotten about all those girls out there riding bikes, but they are just not the ones in my line of vision right now. ) are doing more things that are unseen to most. For instance, there is a Milwaukee Bike Collective. A volunteer bicycle resource center that builds and fixes bikes for kids, in turn for hours of work on their own bikes as well as another to be sold. So may I say thank you to all the good you bikers are doing, not only for the community but also for me.