星期一, 12月 04, 2006

翻譯:單車通勤 Commute by Bike

人們總是問我為什麼我騎自行車上班.真是一個簡單的答案; 我愛它! ! !但我嘗試解釋為什麼一些剛剛看不到它.我一直嘗試一些我同事坐同我.少數嘗試,但大部分都不考慮.我猜想很難理解,如果你連嘗試.不能說那些試圖背負著它,但至少他們給它一個鏡頭.我猜他們不想跟空氣清新,成為體魄強健、節省燃氣的幾元、感覺偉大!我猜想每個人都有自己的原因,他們將騎自行車通勤.什麼你們?

啥?有看沒有懂?那google translate的功力尚有待加強,看看如下的原文如何?

People always ask why I ride my bike to work. Its really a simple answer; I love it!!! I try to explain why but some just don’t see it. I always try to get some of my coworkers to ride to work with me. A few have tried but most wouldn’t even consider it. I guess it would be hard to understand if you wouldn’t even try it. Can’t say that the ones that tried stuck with it but at least they gave it a shot. I guess they don’t want anything to do with the fresh air, becoming physically fit, the few dollars saved from gas, and feeling great! I guess everyone has their own reasons why they would commute by bike. What’s yours?


人們總是問我為什麼騎單車上班?答案其實很簡單「因為我愛」。 讓我試著解釋為什麼一些人總無法理解單車通勤有什麼好愛的。我總是試著鼓勵一些同事和我一同單車通勤,少數試過了,但大部分想都不想就直接拒絕了。我想如果連嘗試都不肯,如何能理解單車通勤有什麼可愛的。雖不能說那些試著單車通勤的人已經迷戀上它,但至少他們試過了。我猜他們並不想將單車通勤和清新的空氣、強健的體魄、省錢、感覺偉大等扯上關係。我也猜想每個人都有屬於他們自己的單車通勤原因。那你們的原因是什麼?

source: Commute by Bike
